What can you hunt with an air rifle?

1 Comment30 August 2024  |  Air Arms

What can you hunt with an air rifle?

When it comes to air rifle hunting, knowing where and what you can shoot is essential to safe and legal shooting. From small game hunting to pest control, knowing what animals you are legally prohibited from shooting is vital for safe air gun practice and can differ from jurisdiction to country.

We will teach you how to hunt responsibly and successfully with an air rifle, from understanding local laws and ethical hunting practices to selecting the right equipment and honing your skills.

Knowing the Law

Air rifle laws can vary significantly depending on the location. Generally, these laws cover restrictions for purchase and ownership, where air rifles can be used, and whether they are considered firearms under local regulations.

Before any shoot or hunt begins, you must ensure you abide by the air gun law in your jurisdiction so you can shoot not just legally - but safely.

What type of hunting can you do with an air rifle?

Air rifles are particularly well-suited for small-game hunting due to their precision and accuracy. They allow hunters to place targeted shots, which is crucial for humanely hunting small game. This precision ensures a quick and ethical kill, minimising the animal's suffering.

Many air rifles can be equipped with scopes or advanced sights, enhancing accuracy and making it easier to hit small targets at varying distances. This makes them an excellent choice for hunters who want to prioritise accuracy and ethical hunting practices.

What is small game hunting?

Small game hunting involves pursuing smaller animals and birds, typically for sport or food. These often include rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, mice and rats. Unlike big game hunting, which targets larger animals like deer or elk, small game hunting usually involves different techniques and equipment.

Air rifles are so popular for small game hunting in the UK because of their precision and relatively quiet operation.

What types of animals can you hunt?

Several animals can be legally killed with small game hunting and pest control but are often subject to specific regulations and seasons.

  • Rabbits: They can be hunted year-round as they are considered pests.

  • Hares: Typically hunted during open seasons, but regulations can vary.

  • Grey Squirrels: Considered invasive and can be hunted to protect native species.

  • Crows, Magpies, and Pigeons: Can be hunted under certain conditions, especially if they are causing damage.

Considerations when hunting

While some animals can be hunted year-round, regulations and ethical considerations still dictate when and why you can hunt them. Always make sure you check the laws in your area, as they can change from city to city. You can find out more information on the GOV website.

Conservation and Ethical Hunting

Even when hunting pests, it's generally expected that you have a legitimate reason, such as population control or preventing damage. Some species have specific hunting seasons or may be protected, requiring adherence to these regulations to avoid legal issues.

Let's take a closer look at the types of games you can hunt and how best to go around shooting these animals.

1) Rabbits

Rabbits and hares are among the most popular choices for air rifle hunters due to their widespread abundance and accessibility. Found in various regions, these creatures are ideal targets for beginners looking to hone their skills and experienced hunters seeking a reliable game. Their predictable behaviour patterns and habitats make them easier to locate, providing ample opportunities for practice in tracking and stalking.

  • However, precision is paramount when aiming at rabbits and hares. Hunters should focus on vital areas such as the head or heart-lung region to ensure a humane harvest. This requires a steady hand and a deep understanding of the animal's anatomy and behaviour.

  • Practising with your air rifle to improve accuracy is crucial, as a well-placed shot reduces the risk of unnecessary suffering and improves the overall hunting experience.

2) Grey Squirrels

Hunting grey squirrels presents a different set of challenges and rewards. Known for their agility and quick reflexes, squirrels demand higher skill and patience from hunters. Their keen senses alert them to any noise or movement, adding excitement to the hunt.

This is where an air rifle's quiet operation becomes a significant advantage. Unlike traditional firearms, air rifles produce minimal noise, allowing hunters to approach their targets more stealthily and increase their chances of success.

  • The key to successful squirrel hunting is understanding their behaviour and habitat. Squirrels are often found in wooded areas, scurrying through trees or foraging on the ground. Patience and observation are essential as you wait for the perfect moment to take a shot.

  • Shooters should aim for the head or spine to ensure a quick and humane kill. Additionally, choosing the right calibre and pellet type is crucial for effective penetration and accuracy.

3) Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are among homeowners' and farmers' most prevalent pests, leading to significant property damage and potential health risks. These rodents can contaminate food sources, gnaw through wiring, and spread diseases, making their control a top priority for many.

Air rifles offer an efficient and effective method for managing rat and mouse populations, especially in areas where traditional pest control methods may not be suitable or sufficient.

  • Air rifles' precision and quiet operation make them ideal for targeting these small pests without causing disruption or alerting other animals. When using an air rifle for pest control, choosing the right calibre and pellet type is crucial to ensure sufficient stopping power for a humane kill.

  • Generally, a .177 or .22 calibre air rifle with hollow-point pellets is recommended for maximum impact and penetration.

4) Birds

Certain bird species, such as pigeons, are often categorised as pests due to their tendency to gather in large flocks and damage crops, buildings, and equipment. However, hunting birds with an air rifle requires careful consideration of local laws and regulations, as many species are protected under migratory bird treaties and wildlife conservation acts.

When it is legal to hunt pest birds, air rifles provide an effective solution that allows hunters to approach their targets quietly and with precision. The challenge in bird hunting lies in their ability to fly away quickly and their often erratic movements. Successful bird hunting with an air rifle requires patience, sharp shooting skills, and an understanding of the birds' behaviours and feeding patterns.

  • For hunters looking to engage in bird pest control, verifying the legality of targeting specific species in your area and obtaining the necessary permits or permissions is essential. Additionally, practising shooting from various angles and distances can improve accuracy and increase the likelihood of a successful hunt.

  • By utilising air rifles for pest control, hunters can manage populations effectively while minimising environmental impact and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals. This approach helps protect property and crops and supports balanced ecosystems and sustainable wildlife management practices.

You can check the law with hunting and birds to make sure you know what species are protected and which are considered pests here.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Understanding the legal and ethical framework of hunting with an air rifle is crucial for any responsible hunter. Navigating these considerations ensures compliance with the law and promotes sustainable and humane hunting practices.

  • Landowner Permission: Regardless of the species, you must always have permission from the landowner to hunt on their property.

  • Humane Practices: It's essential to ensure that hunting is done humanely, focusing on quick and ethical kills.

  • Local Regulations: Always check local laws and regulations, as they can vary and may impose specific restrictions or require certain permissions.

Local Hunting Laws and Regulations

Before you begin any hunting expedition, you must familiarise yourself with local laws and regulations. These laws dictate what species can be hunted, when hunting seasons occur, and in which regions hunting is permitted. Certain species may be protected due to their declining populations or conservation status, and hunting them could lead to severe penalties.

Ethical Hunting Practices

Ethical hunting goes hand in hand with legal compliance and involves a commitment to fair chase and respect for wildlife and the environment. One of the key ethical considerations is ensuring humane kills. This means taking well-placed shots that quickly and efficiently dispatch the animal, minimising suffering. Achieving this requires skill, patience, and a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the game being hunted.

Developing the necessary ethical hunting skills involves regular air rifle practice. Hunters should hone their marksmanship at target ranges under various conditions to replicate real hunting scenarios. This preparation helps ensure accuracy and confidence in the field.

Don't damage the wildlife.

Beyond skill development, as an ethical hunter, you should always strive to leave the environment better than you found it. This includes respecting private property, minimising waste by utilising as many animals as possible and being mindful of the impact on local ecosystems.

By prioritising both legal compliance and ethical standards, hunters contribute to wildlife conservation and the sustainability of hunting as a cherished outdoor activity. Responsible hunting not only enhances personal enjoyment but also fosters a positive reputation for the hunting community as a whole.

Choosing the Right Air Rifle

Selecting the perfect air rifle is critical in ensuring a successful and ethical hunting experience. The choice depends largely on the type of game you intend to hunt, personal preferences and skill level. It is always important to factor in the choices of air rifle to enhance your hunting capabilities:

  • Calibre

  • Velocity

  • Accuracy

  • Reliability

From spring air rifles to PCP air rifles, there are many different types of powers. While PCP air rifles are popular amongst hunters due to their power and accuracy, there is no best air rifle to choose from when it comes to shooting (as it all depends on certain factors). You can check out the different types of air rifles in our What is an air rifle? blog to better understand the choices available - however, we'll discuss what types might be a better choice below.

Types of Air Rifles and Game Suitability

When choosing an air rifle, consider the game you are targeting. Different species require varying levels of power and precision:

  • Small Game (Rabbits, Squirrels): A .177 or .22 calibre air rifle is typically sufficient for small games. The .177 offers higher velocity and is excellent for longer shots, while the .22 provides more impact power, which can be beneficial for ensuring a humane kill.

  • Pest Control (Rats, Mice, Birds): A .177 calibre air rifle is often adequate for pest control, providing the speed and penetration needed for smaller targets. However, if you require more stopping power for larger pests, opt for a .22 calibre.

  • Medium Game:  If you plan to hunt medium-sized games, a .25 or larger calibre might be necessary. These calibres offer more energy at the point of impact, which is crucial for a clean, ethical kill.

The velocity, measured in feet per second (FPS), is another important factor. Higher velocity ensures that the pellet reaches its target quickly, reducing the chance of the game moving out of the line of fire.

Accuracy and Reliability

Accuracy is paramount in hunting. An air rifle that offers consistent shooting performance allows for precise aiming and humane harvesting of the game. Look for rifles with a good track record of reliability, meaning they consistently perform well under various conditions without frequent malfunctions or maintenance issues.

Consider air rifles with adjustable triggers, ergonomic stocks, and high-quality scopes to enhance accuracy. These features can help customise the shooting experience to your preferences and improve overall precision.

Key Features to Consider

  • Build Quality: A well-constructed air rifle made from durable materials will withstand the rigours of field use and last longer. Check for quality in the barrel, stock, and internal mechanisms.

  • Ease of Use: Choose an air rifle that is comfortable to handle and easy to operate, mainly if you are a beginner. Lightweight models with straightforward mechanisms can be advantageous.

  • Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your air rifle. Opt for models that are easy to clean and maintain, with readily available spare parts or service options.

By considering these factors, hunters can select an air rifle that meets their needs and enhances their hunting experience. A well-chosen air rifle contributes to successful hunts and supports ethical and responsible wildlife management practices.


In conclusion, air rifles are versatile and practical tools for small-game hunting and pest control. They offer hunters precision, power, and quiet operation. Their ability to deliver accurate shots makes them ideal for ensuring humane kills, while their quiet nature allows for stealthy hunting without disturbing the surrounding environment.

However, it is crucial to adhere to legal and ethical guidelines, obtain necessary permissions, and ensure that hunting practices are humane and justified. By doing so, air rifles can play a significant role in responsible wildlife management and pest control, helping to balance ecosystems and protect agricultural interests.

From target shooting to small game hunting, if you have any questions or queries, please contact us today, and a team member will respond as soon as possible. 

Edgar Contarini
01 September 2024  |  11:29

Hi to All,

I am unsure to understand how it is possible to hunt in the UK.

Are there dedicated estate area for hunting where it is possible to walk in provided with the due licenses and permissions?

Thanks to everyone for the consideration.
